So, You Want to Get Married at Gloria Dei?

Your decision to be married in our church shows you want the Lord Jesus at the center of your marriage. It is our prayer that Jesus would guide, guard and direct you every day of your life together!

If you, the bride or the groom or your parents are members of Gloria Dei, please fill out the form below.

Normally, we do not allow weddings of non-members, but if you are not a member and yet desire to get married by one of our pastors in our Sanctuary, please contact our Senior Pastor to determine the possibility.  Pastors who are members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod can be allowed to perform your ceremony at Gloria Dei, but pastors who are not members of the LCMS are not allowed to do so.  If you have questions, please contact the Senior Pastor.


Pre-Marriage Counseling

Couples wishing to be married at Gloria Dei in the upcoming year must go through pre-marital counseling with the pastor who will be officiating the wedding

Extra resources: Wedding Policy Book

Marriage Courses

Periodically, we have marriage courses for couples who are engaged/married. Our goal is to help you make your marriage everything it is meant to be and therefore we’d encourage you to regularly go through enrichment courses for your relationship. You will find that marriage enrichment after you are married is even more valuable to your married life than pre-marital counseling…though both are extremely important and helpful.

For more information about the next marriage class please email our marriage class coordinator.


Wedding Request Form

If you are considering having us help with your wedding, please fill out this request form. We will then check with the schedule to see if that date is available.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please note: We will do our best to accommodate the date you have chosen. However, at times, we will not be able to. We will notify shortly.
  • Please note: For the most part, our weddings are on Saturdays with a start time from noon to 3:30. We will do our best to accommodate the time you have chosen.
  • Please note: We will do our best to accommodate the Pastor of your choosing.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please note: We will do our best to accommodate the date you have chosen. However, at times, we will not be able to give you your choice. We will notify shortly.
  • :
    Please note: We will do our best accommodate the time you have chosen. However, at times, we will not be able to give you your choice. We will notify shortly.
  • :


Contact Us

Church Office at 515-276-1700 or
Pastor Joe Meyer:
Pastor Ben Johnson:
Pastor Tim Phillips: