We invite you to explore the many aspects of our church home and family. We are all ordinary people who have been transformed by an extraordinary and loving God. We also know that we deeply matter to God, and so do you. Come see for yourself.


Saturdays in the Family Life Center

5:00 p.m. Saturday (Contemporary)

Sundays in the Sanctuary

7:30 a.m. Sunday (Traditional)

9:00 a.m. Sunday (Traditional Blend)

10:30 a.m. Sunday (Traditional Blend)

Sundays in the Family Life Center

9:00 a.m. Sunday (Contemporary)

10:30 a.m. Sunday (Contemporary)

Frequently Asked Questions

At the heart of our community is a belief that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. And that three days after His death He came back to life and proved His sovereign power over sin, satan, and death itself. Jesus has now offered His eternal life to all those who believe in Him as Lord. We desire in all things to serve God and serve others with the grace that has been given to us. We invite you to click on the “Beliefs Tab” and let us know if you have any questions.

We have ample room for parking. In fact, we even have a few designated spots marked “visitor parking.” So, if you get here early, you can be among the select few who have the best parking place on the lot.

You can enter through the west, north-central and east doors. Once inside the building, you’ll probably want to head to our Sanctuary (west side of building) or our Family Life Center (our contemporary venue), located in the central part of our building. There are also signs outside and inside our building.

Absolutely! At Gloria Dei we strive to be a safe place for anyone and everyone to connect with God and with one another.

We fully understand that there are many different denominations, views, beliefs, and ways of viewing the Christian faith. First and foremost, we are united on our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and in His death and resurrection on our behalf. At Gloria Dei we express our Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective, but we invite all people to come and be a part of worship and if you would like to know more about our particular perspective please make a point to attend the CORE classes offered every spring and fall.

Of course! Jesus gave up His life for all people and even more than that He is the only one to come back from the dead! We hope that you will experience a community of Christians who love Jesus with all their heart and that you also might hear of the amazing love that God has for you.

No matter what worship service you would like to be a guest at, please know that we are a “come as you are” church and we are just thrilled that you want to come and be a part of worship.

It depends on whether you like a more traditional worship style, a more contemporary worship style, or a blend of both. We have different times and different worship styles throughout the weekend, so pick a time and style that works for you. Times of Worship

Communion is offered on the first and third weekends of the month in the Sanctuary, and the second and fourth weekends in the Family Life Center.

The Lord’s Supper or Communion is a Biblical event, given by Jesus for the strengthening of our faith and the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26). God’s Word is very clear that when we receive the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper we also literally/physically receive the actual body and blood of Jesus. (1 Corinthians 10:16 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-30). If you are a baptized Christian who trusts in Christ’s presence, recognizes your sinfulness, and desires not only to be forgiven of those sins, but also needs strength from Jesus to amend your daily life, then you are welcome to join us! If you do not believeChrist is present, or are unsure of what you believe and want further explanation, then please feel free to speak with one of our Pastors at a convenient time. (We provide both non-alcoholic wine in the center of the tray and gluten-free wafers in containers).

We believe that baptism is the free gift of forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit offered to us all through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Baptism is the way that we are made children of God and citizens of God’s Kingdom. We believe that this gift is for infants, children and adults (Acts 2:38-39). If you would like more information on baptism, feel free to speak with one of our pastors.

Contact Us

Church Office at 515-276-1700 or office@gdlc.church
Pastor Joe Meyer: joe.meyer@gdlc.church
Pastor Ben Johnson: ben.johnson@gdlc.church
Pastor Tim Phillips: tim.phillips@gdlc.church