If you have any questions or concerns, please email Pastor Tim.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

Crystal Palmer

Update and PRAISE THE LORD! - Thank you all so much for the prayers for my grandson. The brain surgery went as well as could be expected. He transitioned from ICU to a regular room within 48 hours and then continued doing so well that he was able to be released to go home from the hospital after another 48 hours. We are still in watching mode regarding abilities and reduction of seizures. Thank you so much for all the faith-filled prayers for ongoing needs of our precious boy. God bless!

Received: March 8, 2023

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Church Office at 515-276-1700 or office@gdlc.church
Pastor Joe Meyer: joe.meyer@gdlc.church
Pastor Ben Johnson: ben.johnson@gdlc.church
Pastor Tim Phillips: tim.phillips@gdlc.church