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I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Melodi McKeighan

Thanks be to GOD who orchestrated Viv's acceptance to Cincinnati Children's Hospital, the number one hospital in the country for her condition. Viv and her mother were airlifted from Blank Children's PICU on Saturday. Andrew and I drove down and arrived safely late Saturday night. They have run multiple tests and we are still anxiously waiting for them to schedule a cardiac MRI. Once they have that taken, the ENT doctors can access if her breathing tube can be removed. We have a diagnosis, but they are checking to see the extent of it and what is affected. She has been sedated throughout most of this, but today she opened her eyes for a few minutes and was able to see her parents. Please pray for healing. She is responding to treatment they started yesterday to begin to shrink the hemangioma tumors in her body. Please pray for shrinkage of her tumors and that her tests can be completed soon. Please pray for stabilizing her heart rate and clearing her lungs. Lastly, please pray for a room to open up at the Ronald McDonald House so Andrew and Disa can have some solitude and a comfortable bed and shower. This will probably be a few weeks stay. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Received: April 30, 2024

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Church Office at 515-276-1700 or office@gdlc.church
Pastor Joe Meyer: joe.meyer@gdlc.church
Pastor Ben Johnson: ben.johnson@gdlc.church
Pastor Tim Phillips: tim.phillips@gdlc.church