Ben Johnson
Senior Pastor
My role at Gloria Dei is to help lead people in becoming more like Jesus & connecting them to areas of ministry they are interested in. Through our worship services, bible study opportunities, CORE classes, podcasts, Life Groups, hospitality endeavors and service opportunities my desire is that as people get connected and engaged they will see that following Jesus is an awesome adventure and is best done with others.
About me: My wife, daughter, and I love Des Moines and feel so blessed to call this our home. I love all things outdoors but mostly fishing, hunting, and hiking. I am really just an ordinary guy who desires to be the best Ephesians 5 husband I can be, the best father I can be, and use my God given gifts to be the best pastor I can be.
I am constantly amazed at the depth of God’s love for each and every person on the face of this earth. To think that each person was in the mind and heart of Jesus when He laid His life down on humanities behalf truly makes my heart and head spin. In many ways I feel churches have made following Jesus way too complicated. At the end of the day it comes down to loving God and loving other people in the same way that Jesus loves you. The grace and love of Jesus is truly the greatest and most amazing thing of all time!
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