If you have any questions or concerns, please email Pastor Tim.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Janet Brock

An extended family member, who is a police officer, was injured while on duty. To protect a firefighter, he climbed a high fence and, when he jumped down on the other side, he broke both lower legs and both ankles. He has had surgery, but will be on no weight bearing for 4-6 weeks, them limited weight bearing, followed by physical therapy. Please ask for physical healing, emotional healing and patience for him and his family, and that they trust God’s plan for them.

Received: January 28, 2023

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Church Office at 515-276-1700 or office@gdlc.church
Pastor Joe Meyer: joe.meyer@gdlc.church
Pastor Ben Johnson: ben.johnson@gdlc.church
Pastor Tim Phillips: tim.phillips@gdlc.church