Today we are reading Numbers 11. In this chapter we read about God providing quail for the people of Israel.“But Moses said, “The people among whom I am number six hundred thousand on foot, and you have said, ‘I will give them meat, that they may eat a whole month!’ Shall flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, and be enough for them? Or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, and be enough for them?” And the Lord said to Moses, “Is the Lord’s hand shortened? Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not.” Then a wind from the Lord sprang up, and it brought quail from the sea and let them fall beside the camp, about a day’s journey on this side and a day’s journey on the other side, around the camp, and about two cubits above the ground. And the people rose all that day and all night and all the next day, and gathered the quail. Those who gathered least gathered ten homers. And they spread them out for themselves all around the camp.” ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭11‬:‭21‬-‭23‬, ‭31‬-‭32‬ ‭ESV‬‬ God miraculously provided for all the people. When has God miraculously provided for you? How did this blessing inspire your faith? How did you in turn act generously toward others? Has God used you to miraculously provide for someone in need? May you be the answer to someone’s prayers. Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 10. In this chapter we read about Israel’s departure from Sinai. “In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud lifted from over the tabernacle of the testimony, and the people of Israel set out by stages from the wilderness of Sinai. And the cloud settled down in the wilderness of Paran. They set out for the first time at the command of the Lord by Moses. So they set out from the mount of the Lord three days’ journey. And the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them three days’ journey, to seek out a resting place for them. And the cloud of the Lord was over them by day, whenever they set out from the camp. And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.” And when it rested, he said, “Return, O Lord, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.””
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭10‬:‭11‬-‭13‬, ‭33‬-‭36‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Think of a time you and your family moved…what was your plan? Who was involved? Who was in charge? How did you anticipate the moving experience? I love the way Moses started and ended their journeys with God. Next time you travel, make a plan that specifically includes God as He leads you. Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 9. In this chapter we read about the cloud of God’s presence. “On the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony. And at evening it was over the tabernacle like the appearance of fire until morning. So it was always: the cloud covered it by day and the appearance of fire by night. And whenever the cloud lifted from over the tent, after that the people of Israel set out, and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the people of Israel camped. At the command of the Lord the people of Israel set out, and at the command of the Lord they camped. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.” Numbers‬ ‭9‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have such a clear and tangible way to know what God’s will is? Sometimes He make His will very clear. Other times, not so much. What do you do to discern God’s direction? May you always seek God’s will in everything! Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 8. In this chapter we read about the purification of the Levites and their retirement. “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “This applies to the Levites: from twenty-five years old and upward they shall come to do duty in the service of the tent of meeting. And from the age of fifty years they shall withdraw from the duty of the service and serve no more. They minister to their brothers in the tent of meeting by keeping guard, but they shall do no service. Thus shall you do to the Levites in assigning their duties.”” Numbers‬ ‭8‬:‭23‬-‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬ It is interesting to read that the Levites had an expiration date! Their work with the Tabernacle maintenance and the sacrifices could be very physical. As we age we move from participant to spectator in a lot of areas. In what areas do you still participate? How has growing older impacted your service to God? May you always have a servant’s heart! Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Number 7. In this chapter we read about the Consecration of the Tabernacle. “On the day when Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle and had anointed and consecrated it with all its furnishings and had anointed and consecrated the altar with all its utensils, the chiefs of Israel, heads of their fathers’ houses, who were the chiefs of the tribes, who were over those who were listed, approached and brought their offerings before the Lord, six wagons and twelve oxen, a wagon for every two of the chiefs, and for each one an ox. They brought them before the tabernacle. And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim; and it spoke to him.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭7‬:‭1‬-‭3‬, ‭89‬ ‭ESV‬‬ This was a huge event! The Nation of Israel gathered to consecrate the Tabernacle and make offerings. The Tabernacle, and later the Temple, was the centerpiece of Israel’s spiritual and social life. What is the equivalent of the Tabernacle for you? What does your life revolve around? May Jesus be your center! Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 6. In this chapter we read about the Nazirite Vow and the Blessing of Aaron. “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them, The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”” Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭22‬-‭27‬ ‭ESV‬‬ This is the blessing used in many Christian churches. When is the first time you heard it? Did you know that it comes from such an ancient tradition? (3500 years ago!) This blessing was pronounced by the priests over God’s people. You can say the same blessing over your children and grandchildren. Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 5. In this chapter we read about laws for unclean people and a test for adultery. “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Command the people of Israel that they put out of the camp everyone who is leprous or has a discharge and everyone who is unclean through contact with the dead. You shall put out both male and female, putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell.” And the people of Israel did so, and put them outside the camp; as the Lord said to Moses, so the people of Israel did.” ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬ The isolation for those with contagious illness went a long way to containing health concerns. Having navigated COVID we are familiar with isolation. If you were isolated, what could someone do to brighten your day? How do you reach out to those who were ill? May God use you to give strength to the weak. Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 4. In this chapter we read about the listing of all those who were available to serve in the Tabernacle. “All those who were listed of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron and the chiefs of Israel listed, by their clans and their fathers’ houses, from thirty years old up to fifty years old, everyone who could come to do the service of ministry and the service of bearing burdens in the tent of meeting, those listed were 8,580. According to the commandment of the Lord through Moses they were listed, each one with his task of serving or carrying. Thus they were listed by him, as the Lord commanded Moses.” Numbers‬ ‭4‬:‭46‬-‭49‬ ‭ESV‬‬ An item that jumps out at me in this chapter is the age requirement: “from thirty years old up to fifty years old.” The work of the Tabernacle required a certain level of physical health. After fifty, these men could serve in other ways. How many years have you served Jesus? Was there a time when you did physical things? How has your service changed as you grew older? What are some things you are no longer able to do? Have you helped others to “fill your shoes”? May God bless you as you serve Him throughout the seasons of your life. Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 3. In this chapter we read about Moses, Aaron and the tribe of Levi. “And the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, saying, “List the sons of Levi, by fathers’ houses and by clans; every male from a month old and upward you shall list.” So Moses listed them according to the word of the Lord, as he was commanded. And these were the sons of Levi by their names: Gershon and Kohath and Merari. And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by their clans: Libni and Shimei. And the sons of Kohath by their clans: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the sons of Merari by their clans: Mahli and Mushi. These are the clans of the Levites, by their fathers’ houses.” Numbers‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ The priesthood of the Israelites was very carefully limited. Only descendants of Aaron or a Levite could function as a priest. How is this a good thing? How do we choose who can be a pastor today? As Christians, we can participate in ministry even if we have no theological training. You stand in the tradition of the Levites as you get involved in the ministry of the Gospel!  Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Numbers 2. In this chapter we read about how the Israelites were to set up their camp and how they were to form up as they traveled. “The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “The people of Israel shall camp each by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers’ houses. They shall camp facing the tent of meeting on every side. Thus did the people of Israel. According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, each one in his clan, according to his fathers’ house.” Numbers‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭34‬ ‭ESV‬‬ God had a design for everything! He chose who would go first, second, third etc. He chose how they would lay out the camp and where the Tabernacle would be. Everything had a design and every design had a purpose. How carefully do you plan the things you do? What are your priorities? How have you planned your living space? How did you decide who would sleep where? What were your most important considerations? May God give you the design and the purpose of your life! Pastor Tim