Simply put, “we need one another.” God made us that way.  He designed us to be His personal agents to encourage, challenge, and care for one another. Jesus said “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). Life groups offer a place where Christians can find support, purpose and friendship as they seek to love God and love others in this world with that same love that has been given to them by Jesus Himself.
Life Groups normally have 8-12 members. Group participants are usually in a similar age group and season of life. They walk through life together, grow in friendships and faith, pray for each other and serve together. Most groups meet every other week and then commit to serving together 3-4 times a year.

How are the groups divided up?

Life Group participants are usually in a similar age group and season of life.

What is the time commitment?

Most groups meet every other week for around  1-2 hours and also serve 3-4 times a year as a group. The exact time, place, and frequency of the gatherings will be decided by the group.

How are decisions made in a group?

Each group is its own entity and decisions are made by the group. Each group will be supplied with an initial Life Group launch DVD that will assist the group in getting to know one another, getting a feel for the purpose of the group, and assist the group in making a plan for the future.

How about kids?

Each group will be responsible for deciding their approach when it comes to their kids. Some groups go in together on a baby sitter, some groups have one of the group members watch the kids one week and someone else the next; but whatever the solution is, the group is the one who will come up with it.

Where do Life Groups meet?

Most Life Groups will meet in the homes of the people who are part of the group.

What if I sign-up and then decide it's not for me?

We totally understand that life happens and sometimes we think something will fit and then it does not. If this happens simply send an e-mail to Mike Martens, and he will be happy to help you communicate to the Life Group and find other ways get connected at Gloria Dei.

Life Groups Sign Up Form

In order to find a Life Group that is a good fit for you, we need to collect some information. Please take some time to fill out this confidential form.