Welcome Home.

We're so glad you're here! Make yourself right at home.

SATURDAYS 5pm  |  SUNDAYS 7:30am, 9am, & 10:30am

Get Connected.

All Week Long

From member classes, yoga & craft nights, golf outings & nature hikes, to Bible studies & devotionals, connecting with Gloria Dei is easy. Visit our calendar to view all of your opportunities to connect with us!

Find Support

We all hit times and seasons in our lives when we need extra support, guidance, prayer, and encouragement. So, don’t be afraid to ask; we are here to help you carry those burdens that are too heavy to carry alone.

See For Yourself

We invite you to explore the many aspects of our church home and family. We are all ordinary people who have been transformed by an extraordinary and loving God. We know that we deeply matter to God, and so do you. 

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Service Times & Location

Saturday Evenings

Family Life Center - 5pm

Sunday Mornings

Sanctuary - 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am

Family Life Center - 9am, 10:30am

8301 Aurora Ave. Urbandale, Iowa, 50322

We invite you to explore the many aspects of our church home and family. We are all ordinary people who have been transformed by an extraordinary and loving God. We also know that we deeply matter to God, and so do you. 
Come see for yourself.

Get Involved.


Nursery (Infants through age 3)
Children’s Church (Preschool through grade 5)
Gloria Dei Children’s Church & Nursery are offered during our Sunday Worship services!


Being in junior or senior high school can be fun, but challenging at times, so we need each other.  It isn’t easy, but together we can form a foundation that will show that God is concerned with all the details of our life.


We desire to be a safe place for everyone to connect with God and with one another.
Through studies, groups, and fellowship, we build relationships and deepen our walk with Christ.

What's the Word at Gloria Dei?

We have two worship spaces with tandem preaching. At either space you will be able to hear a Bible-centered Sermon and experience true worship with a community!
Check out a message below!

Worship With Us!

Join us for worship on Saturday or Sunday!

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We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.