Today we are reading Revelation 8. In this chapter we read about a new set of visions where seven angels signal dramatic events. The keyword for this chapter is “sal-pigx”. The definition is “trumpet”. “Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.”
Revelation 8:2, 6 ESV When we think of trumpets we think of music that is lively and energetic. However, trumpets involving Old Testament worship were more of a signal to draw your attention to what was happening. They function more like police and fire sirens or like a tornado warning siren. If you hear the trumpet sound you immediately know something important is happening. The consistent theme in this chapter is that when the trumpet is blown something devastating follows. It seems that even the devastation is an alarm. What does this devastation warn us about? How can you be prepared even before hearing the trumpets? May God bless you to hear His voice in His word! Pastor Tim