Revelation 18

Today we are reading Revelation 18. In this chapter we read about the fall of “Babylon the Great”. The keyword for this chapter is “kri-ma”. The definition is “judgement, a decree, the sentence of a judge”. “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and prophets, for God has given judgment for you against her!”” Revelation‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ The sentence of an earthly judge may be appealed. Why is this so? Most likely that in a sentence a judge or jury may be mistaken and so in the pursuit of justice the convicted may yet find vindication. But what about God? When God proclaims a sentence or judgement nobody except God may overturn it. The devil and all his demons and those who serve him are sentenced by God and condemned.  The judgement against them is absolute. Our judgement, which we deserve, was pronounced upon Jesus. Now God pronounces us “not guilty”. That is God’s judgement on us because Jesus’ righteousness has been credited to our account. So, the devil is condemned and we are pardoned. May God fill you with all joy in knowing you are forgiven in Jesus’ name.  Pastor Tim

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