Today we are reading Psalm 80. In this psalm we read about an appeal to God for restoration. “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up your might and come to save us! Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!”
Psalm 80:1-3 ESV The nation of Israel had endured invasion and destruction. In repentance, they called out to God for deliverance and restoration. Have you gone through a similar cycle? Have you suffered loss and needed restoration? Did you call out to God? He is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I think of our friends in the Ukraine. May God hear their cries for help and send His angel armies to fight and defeat the cruel attackers. Pastor Tim