Today we are reading Psalm 125. In this psalm we read about the security of those who trust in the Lord. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore. For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong. Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts!” Psalm 125:1-4 ESV God surrounds us. Who has God surrounded you with to help you in your faith? Who has God surrounded you with to keep you safe? Who has God surrounded you with to provide for you? Thank God today for surrounding you! Thank those He has used to bless you! Pastor Tim