Today we are reading Luke 16. In this chapter we read about the dishonest manager. The keyword for this chapter is “fro-ni-mos”. The definition is “wise, This clever rascal was wise enough to place his total trust in the quality of mercy experienced at the beginning of the story. That trust was vindicated. Disciples need the same kind of wisdom.“ “The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.”
Luke 16:8 ESV The crafty wisdom of the dishonest manager resulted in the manipulation of circumstances for his personal gain. Certainly God does not commend such deceit! What He does commend is using our resources and circumstances with strategic wisdom to maximize the reach of the Gospel. God has put many resources and opportunities within our grasp so that we might use them wisely for connecting people to Jesus. How have you used your resources wisely? Who benefits from your wisdom? Pastor Tim