Today we are reading Isaiah 20. In this chapter we read about the disgrace of Egypt and Cush in their defeat at the hands of the armies of the Assyrian King Sargon. The people of Ashdod called upon Egypt and Cush for protection from Assyria. Because they did not call upon God they also shared in the disgrace of the defeat and were taken prisoner and enslaved in Assyria. Think of a time you experienced shame and disgrace. Were you able to unpack what led up to that time? Sometimes, as in the case of the Israelites, rebelling against God leads to our shame. In this situation, even mighty Egypt and Cush are not able to prevent God’s punishment at the hands of Assyria. So it is with God—it is only in Jesus’ name that we are spared the wrath our sins deserve. May God give you the Holy Spirit to confess your sins and receive forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus’ name. Pastor Tim