Today we are reading Colossians 2. In this chapter Paul writes about what Jesus has done with the debt of our sin. The keyword for this chapter is “ex-a-lei-fo”. The definition is “to wash over, to wipe out. The word was used for wiping out a memory of an experience or for cancelling a vote or annulling a law or cancelling a charge or debt. It was also used for “the washing out” the writing on a papyrus.” “by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:14 ESV Have you ever had someone pay your debt? How would you react if someone paid your largest debt? The debt of our sin is unpayable for us. It requires our death and eternal punishment. Jesus took our place and paid that debt for us. What is your response? Every day we respond by our obedience and faithful service. May God bless you in your response today! Pastor Tim