Today we are reading Acts 3 which begins with Peter and John going up to the a Temple to pray.  The keyword for this chapter is Ho-rai-an. The definition is “beautiful” and it is the actual name of a gate.  Through this gate worshippers passed as they entered the Temple to worship.  It seems ironic that at the Beautiful Gate a man is healed by our “Beautiful Gate” Jesus.  As believers we enter the Beautiful Gate of Jesus and receive an eternal healing from sin. When you think of our beautiful Savior, what comes to mind? How would you describe Jesus to someone who has never heard of Him? Did you know that, as you live day by day trusting in Jesus, His beauty shines out from you? May God fill you with His beautiful love! Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Acts 2 where the Holy Spirit is poured out at the Pentecost Festival in Jerusalem. The keyword for this chapter is pneu-ma. The definition is “Spirit, breath, wind”.  This is the word used to refer to the Holy Spirit.  On that day 2,000 years ago the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples and it appeared as tongues of fire on each one of them.  In addition, the disciples spoke in languages they had never studied.  All the people who had journeyed to Jerusalem from throughout the world heard the wonders of God in their own languages.  The result was that in one day 3,000 people became believers in Jesus. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.  The amazing truth is that God still does the miracle of conversion.  God still uses ordinary people like Peter and the other disciples.  God uses you and I when He fills us with the Holy Spirit to speak His word.  The same Spirit lives in each of us and works through us to bring people to Jesus. Pray for God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and use you today to be a champion for Christ! Pastor Tim

Today we are reading Acts 1. This exciting book details the earliest history of the Christian church. The author is Luke the physician and traveling companion of Paul.  Luke also wrote the Gospel of Luke and some scholars speculate that the two books were written as a defense for Paul when he was on trial in Rome. The keyword for this chapter is mar-tu-ras.  The definition is “witness, martyr, one who bears witness by his death”.  This is the word Jesus uses to describe what His disciples will be.  Jesus equips them and sends them to go out into the world and tell what they have seen and heard about Jesus. Today, 2,000 years later, we are the spiritual descendants of the disciples.  We believe because they faithfully spread the word of God.  Who will be your spiritual descendants? How can you faithfully spread the word of God concerning Jesus?  Pray for God to show you who to reach out to!  Pastor Tim