Today we are reading Amos 6. In this chapter we read about God’s indictment of people who are comfortable but show no concern for those who fall away from Him. “”Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria, the notable men of the first of the nations, to whom the house of Israel comes! Pass over to Calneh, and see, and from there go to Hamath the great; then go down to Gath of the Philistines. Are you better than these kingdoms? Or is their territory greater than your territory, O you who put far away the day of disaster and bring near the seat of violence?” Amos 6:1-3 ESV God calls us all to live lives focused on loving Him and serving others. When we become absorbed with ensuring our own comfort and prosperity we soon turn away from God and our concern for those around us fades. How have you struggled with these things? What do you do to avoid these things and stay focused on loving God and serving others? May God guide your every thought and plan. Pastor Tim