Today we are reading Acts 9. In this chapter we read about the dramatic conversion of Saul. That chapter begins with Saul aggressively persecuting the church. The keyword for this chapter is “em-pne-o”. The definition is “to breathe in, to inhale,…Threatening and murder were the atmosphere he breathed and by which he lived.” This man Saul, who was mentioned in chapters 7 and 8 as being a witness to the murder of Stephen, is filled with a demonic spirit that compels him to hate and persecute Christians. He is spiritually toxic and causing great harm to believers. Have you ever been around someone like that? Have you ever been around someone who causes people to be afraid? Have you ever been the person who was toxic? The good news is that God can take someone like that and make him into a new person. God can break the devil’s grip on our heart and cast out the demonic spirits so that we can be His chosen instrument. May God defend you this day and set you free from demonic influence in Jesus’ name. Pastor Tim