Today we are reading Acts 21. In this chapter we read about Paul’s determination to go to Jerusalem even though the Holy Spirit is repeatedly warning him not to go there. The keyword for this chapter is “a-po-thnay-sko”. The definition is “to die”. Pauluses this word to say what he is willing to do for Jesus. “For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 21:13 This is puzzling to us. If we knew that danger and suffering awaits us in a certain place we would avoid that place. Paul seems drawn like a moth to a night light. He is willing to die for Jesus! In our confirmation vows we declare the same thing. Are you willing to die for Jesus? In other words, are you willing to die rather than deny your faith? Or, are you willing to die so that others might come to faith? May God bless you today with courage and boldness to live or die for Jesus! Pastor Tim