Acts 15

Today we are reading Acts 15. In this chapter we read about the Jerusalem Council which discussed the issue of Gentiles coming into the church. “So when they were sent off, they went down to Antioch, and having gathered the congregation together, they delivered the letter. And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement. And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words. And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them. But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭15:30-33, 35‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Again we see the church in Antioch as a powerful sending church that equipped and commissioned missionaries. The church was greatly comforted by the letter from the council. The issue continued to pop up and create division in the early church. What issues cause division today? Do you think it is God’s will to cause division? How do you know when you are standing on the right side of an issue? What can you do to heal the division? May God bless you to be a peacemaker while at the same time maintaining strong Biblical convictions! Pastor Tim

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