Today we are reading 3 John. In this brief letter John writes about genuine Christian living. The keyword for this chapter is “mi-me-o-mai”. The definition is “to mimic, to imitate”. “Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God.” 3 John 1:11 ESV When we were kids my brother Matt and I used to imitate the various baseball players in their batting stances. We laughed at each other but what John is writing about is very serious. The early church was under attack from evil people. John was saying “don’t imitate the evil people”. The same is true for us. There are evil people in our world and God calls us to imitate good and not evil. What evil are you tempted to imitate? What good do you desire to imitate? May God strengthen you to imitate only the good! Pastor Tim