Today we are reading 1 John 2. In this chapter we read about those who have left the Christian faith. The keyword for this chapter is “men-o”. The definition is “to abide, to remain”. “And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.” 1 John 2:28 This word is used 18 times in 1 John. Yesterday I had lunch with a man who was born and raised in Des Moines. His father also was born and raised in Des Moines. Their family has remained in Des Moines for four generations. There are many benefits to remaining in one place—stability, familiarity, security etc. The same can be said for remaining in the Christian Faith. My family traces Christianity back 500 years. What a blessing to pass down the Faith in Jesus. How do you remain in the Christian faith? What are some challenges to remaining in the Christian Faith? May God protect you from the evil one in Jesus’ name. Pastor Tim